Saturday, May 14, 2016

Siblings Reading Together

Encourage siblings to read together. Each one of the children will be rewarded. Older siblings get to practice their skills and feel a sense of importance and mastery. Younger siblings will get exposure to an additional reader (with a unique style of reading aloud). And they will be happy to get the attention of their older brother or sister who just may seem to live in a more interesting world much of the time. So it is a win-win. Plus, a sibling read aloud is a wonderful opportunity for a little bonding. Especially if there are a fair number of years between them, it is a happy way to connect.

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What I think . . .

There are all kinds of readers. Some—like my daughter and me—are never without a book to read for pleasure. Others—like my son—are careful, analytical, and curious readers who read primarily to seek information from the page.

No matter what kind of reader your child becomes, you can help him or her get started. After all, you are your child’s first teacher. And, best of all, you can have some fun in the process.

Please feel free to share your own ideas. Tell me about ways you've enjoyed reading with your child.

Madeline Boskey, Ph.D.